Monday, June 19, 2006

Going beyond the beyond!

Sunset over Lough Swilly

Heres a story for you and me!

While we seems to be forever stuck in a rat-race, to maintain a work-life balance, to earn what makes us feel better than our neighbour, heres a thought-provoking true story of a man, that will make you pause for a second and think how the miracle of human mind works; especially how it work in the face of that end-of-everything-feeling, the human equivalend of a an 'event horizon', from where there is no going back; and the amazing ways of how it mends itself - in the process, much of what we take for granted, or wish for is beeing proven not as important as you or I would think it is!

Long read, but consider yourself lucky if you can master it in a lifetime!

Link: An Interview with Michael Hutchison

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